Jumaat, 19 Februari 2016

today is my birthday , but , i said doesnt mean  i want you to wish me , i just want to express something that make me dissappointed . the person who is very closed with me after i born never wish my birthday .. i really really sad . i only can ' husnuzon ' that the person is forgot about my birthday , but , theperson remember someone else birthday , who is same relationship between me and the person . but , what to do , right ?? just keep calm and smile always even we are very dissappointed . hmmm ...

Ahad, 14 Februari 2016

assalamualaikum and hye ! i really really not keep calm in month 6 because my brother will back from oversea ( shhh !! this is our secret ) my brother always make me laughing not remember the world ... hahaaa , i know that is broken but i want to say that he the only one can make me laugh until i get stomach ache  ..  and i also hope he will married soon .. omg !! i relly really cant keep calm .. i want to have a sister and " anak buah " ... ohhhh , pleasee get married fast !! hahhaa ...  and , one more i also get very jealous because he is clever . and i can say that he is the good one to be a role model for him sibling . 😄
this year i will take spm . actually , i not ready yet . and , i also didnt feel nervous . maybe because i feel long time to take spm . but i still to study smart to make my parents proud of me . my wokhard to make good in spm is go to the tuition , make a studygroup , ask teacher if i dont know something and absolutely do a revision . in shaa Allah .. and lastly , wish me luck for spm and dua for me too 😘
this night i will go the class . actually , tuition . i very like the tuition because the teacher teach make me understand . what subject is ??? hahaaaa , i dont want to tell that . one week ago , i go the tution and the class is do at the house . and at the house , the gate is close and i guess that the class is cancel but if cancel , why i didnt get the message or else that say the class iscancel ?? so , i decide to back home . but , i still weird and a lot of question in my mind . and the night , i ask my friend that tuition also with me , she said that the class is still have but the teacher forgot to open the gate . and i feel very not fogive itself because i dont want to miss the subject that teacher teach .. but what to do , right ? just " redha " !  thats all and sorry for the very broken bi ..

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

Yestetday , i was watched youtube video about relationship sibling . And  , i was very liked thats video even i know someone would not like it because there are so over . But , i still love it .  They showed that they are very closed with each other . And the last of the video the sister was crying because she is dissapointed with she's sister . And the sister coaxed , but she ego and angry back with her sister . And , the first of sister and showed the album , who to remembered again about memory with family . And , this sibling are not have spend time with family so , the memory maked all of sibling cried . And , i also cried about that . And the two of sister , who is fight , are be happy again . And the story is , i very jealous about that . The relationship are very closed . But , i and my brother are not . I know that my brother are very caring about me , but , i didnt see it . I want my brother show that all of they , caring about me . But , they dont .  Its okay . Maybe have a 'hikmah' . But , i also 'bersyukur' have a brother because if i go anywhere with my brother i feel safe . I feel have bodyguard anywhere . Hahahha . And , lastly , i love my brother as much as they love me even they dont show that they caring about me . But , i trust they caring about me in silently .

Isnin, 18 Januari 2016

Hello everyone ! Today i would like to introduce about my profile. First of all , i really want to apologize to all who have read this especially my beloved teacher because my english is very broken . I really really sorry . Okay , lets start , my name is ... oh , forget ! Sorry too because my essay in blog so formal . Okay okay lets start , my name is izzatul iffah bt mohd zuhaidi . I 17 years old . And i , as you know , i'm in SPM candidate . I very scary about that and of course i dont ready yet . Hahah . But , i must take spm if i dont want . Okay , close this topic . It very make me stress to think about that . My favourite food is ikan sembilang cili api . I really really love it . My favourite drink is .... emmm , actually i dont know . But , if i go to the rastaurant i will order tea ice . Actually , i want to order drink else but i dont know to order what kind of drink and lastly i order tea ice . Hahhaha . Ermm , i have 5 siblings and i 4th in 5 siblings . I have 4 brothers . Thats look like wow right , but .. i feel krik krik . Hahahha . I dont close with my brothers and i dont know why . But , my brothers is very responsible . And , i love my brothers so much . They always make me happy especially my first brother , if i with her , i must laugh . Hahhahaha . About , my parents . My father's name is mohd zuhaidi bin abdul wahab . He is principal in smahmu . He is very kind , responsible and everything good habits is my father . If i in sad he always have in my side . I love him too as much he love me . My mother's nameis noradibah bte musa . She is caring and important is she want her sons and daughter success in their life . She also make a delicious food . Everyone cant fight her . Because she is the only one . Thats all about my life . Sorry if have a mistakes . Everyone makes a mistakes right ? Hahha . Byeeee !!! Assalamualaikum .