Isnin, 18 Januari 2016

Hello everyone ! Today i would like to introduce about my profile. First of all , i really want to apologize to all who have read this especially my beloved teacher because my english is very broken . I really really sorry . Okay , lets start , my name is ... oh , forget ! Sorry too because my essay in blog so formal . Okay okay lets start , my name is izzatul iffah bt mohd zuhaidi . I 17 years old . And i , as you know , i'm in SPM candidate . I very scary about that and of course i dont ready yet . Hahah . But , i must take spm if i dont want . Okay , close this topic . It very make me stress to think about that . My favourite food is ikan sembilang cili api . I really really love it . My favourite drink is .... emmm , actually i dont know . But , if i go to the rastaurant i will order tea ice . Actually , i want to order drink else but i dont know to order what kind of drink and lastly i order tea ice . Hahhaha . Ermm , i have 5 siblings and i 4th in 5 siblings . I have 4 brothers . Thats look like wow right , but .. i feel krik krik . Hahahha . I dont close with my brothers and i dont know why . But , my brothers is very responsible . And , i love my brothers so much . They always make me happy especially my first brother , if i with her , i must laugh . Hahhahaha . About , my parents . My father's name is mohd zuhaidi bin abdul wahab . He is principal in smahmu . He is very kind , responsible and everything good habits is my father . If i in sad he always have in my side . I love him too as much he love me . My mother's nameis noradibah bte musa . She is caring and important is she want her sons and daughter success in their life . She also make a delicious food . Everyone cant fight her . Because she is the only one . Thats all about my life . Sorry if have a mistakes . Everyone makes a mistakes right ? Hahha . Byeeee !!! Assalamualaikum .

1 ulasan:

  1. Hi Iffah..don't worry about writing broken English in your blog. You need to write more in order to be better. If you don't practice, you will not be able ti improve yourself. Don't be shy of your level of proficiency. Everyone starts from zero. What makes them succeed is their effort to be better. Well done for trying and keep updating your blog k :)
